Oil Paintings

Classic and full of depth, these take time to make and they’re worth every minute.

Soft Pastels

Fast and loose by nature, pastels bring bold color and lots of movement to a piece.


These take planning and intention, but done well they’re elegant and classy.

Original Inspiration Photo
Grandma’s House


Want an original that’s original to you?
Consider a commission.

  • What kind of commission are you interested in?

    I specialize in landscapes, meaningful homes (like Grandma’s House, the first home you lived in together, etc.), and watercolor family and wedding crests.

  • Typically commissions take about 3 weeks once I start them.

    Oil paintings dry slowly by nature. They take at least a couple of weeks to be dry enough to transport (especially when they’re being shipped in the mail).

    Both shipping and local pick up are available.

  • Many people enjoy doing something extra with the image once they get their commission.

    Options include (but aren’t limited to):

    • greeting cards with your special vacation scene as the image

    • Duplicate art prints or printed canvases to gift to others (example: getting prints of Grandma’s House for all the grandkids).

    • A flag with your family crest

    • Coffee mugs, tote bags, etc. If you’re interested, ask for available options!


Oil Painting on Canvas
Grandma’s House

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I’m always working on new paintings! If you’d like to be the first to know when I create something, share your email! I promise I won’t flood your inbox.


Hand painted art
and prints,
made with love.